sábado, 24 de enero de 2009

My first Crush

Etiquetas de Technorati:


How many times, how many sighs?                                                                                                            

for how long you have yearned                                                                                                            

over that boy or girl?                                                                                                             

How strong is the feeling to talk                                                                                                               

him or her?                                                                                                             

But the fear of being rejected                                                                                                             

freezes you?                                                                                                             

Maybe it is only a illusion                                                                                                             

but “what that hell”                                                                                                                 

Isn’t love only an illusion?                                                                                                             

That metallic flavor in your mouth                                                                                                             

the cold sweat, the shivering legs,                                                                                                             

all those symptoms of the “disease”                                                                                                             

Don’t you love to be sick?                                                                                                             

Because, I do….                                                                                                            

I rather to be sick of love                                                                                                            

that to be healthily  bored


      Miriam Lozada

miércoles, 1 de octubre de 2008

martes, 14 de agosto de 2007

Session 4

What is your opinion about using Blogs?

Well, I have had a great experience by doing my blog..I like making
it pretty… It encourages me to be more creative and it helps me
improving my writing

What do you find most difficult about blogging?

For me was adding new elements to my blog as the links to my
classmates blogs..because I didn't know some of the terms used on
the blogspot, but now I know and I enjoy adding new elements and
trying to make better and nicer to the eyes.

From the other students' blogs, which one you like most? Why?

I absolutely love Adelina's blog because it shows her personality,
her kindness and sweetness and II think it's very creative

Sesson 3

Based on "Engaging Digital Natives" :

a) Are teachers prepared to incorporating ICT (information
communication technology) in ELT (English language teaching)?

I think teachers are not quite prepared to incorporating ICT in ELT
or in any other subject, because most of them are "digital
immigrants" that means they have a long way to go. They have to
learn how to "speak" this sort of new language. They have to teach
digital natives and that's very difficult because the digital
natives are used to do things fast; they prefer games instead of
serious working, in conclusion they very different to
the "traditional" student. They have other necessities; they need
their teachers to "speak" their same language"

b) What do teachers have to do in order to cope with their students
using ICT?

"Teachers have to learn to communicate in the language and style of
their students" that is learn all the new terms and tools that are
available for teaching and entertainment …they have to educate
themselves about what's new in the world. Also they need to
cultivate relationship with external collaborators.

c) List the different terms used in the "Engaging Digital Natives"

Digital natives
Digital immigrants
Web 2.0
Distributed cognition
Collective Intelligence
Transmedia navigation

2) Based on "Web 2.0 Tools in Your Classroom"

a) Which tools are mentioned?

b) Which tools would you start implementing into a classroom?Well the wiki and the blog are two incredible tools that are
very easy to use and they encourage the students to use their
creativity and allow them to improve their writing skills

c) Would these tools be effective in a language classroom?Sure by using tools as the poscat, wikis and the blog we can
improve our writing, our conversation and also we get to integrate a
little bit more as a group

d) List the different terms used in "Web 2.0 Tools in Your Classroom"Blog
Collective intelligence
Potential for passion
Open to public

Session 2

According to your experiences using emails (Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail,

How could we use them into the classroom?

Well, I think we can use email to send messages about homework or
activities we might have to do, or doubts we might have about the

What benefits and shortcomings do you see using emails?

As I said before, we can use them to send messages about homeworks
activities we have to do, or doubts we might have about the class.
It's really fun to send an email you can choose the type of letter
you want, use funny icons. Also sending emails is cheaper than
sending a letter, it's faster and you don't about having an ugly

In regards the shortcomings, there is the fact that not everybody
has access to a computer, sure we can go to a "Cyber" and rent a
computer is not easy not to be able to surf the internet everyday,
so people that do have a computer and access to the internet in
their houses are the only people that can check their emails

What sort of activities would you implement in the subject Modulo de
Competencias Comunicativas III with emailing?

•the teacher could email us the homework for the next classes.
•We, as classmate we can email each other links to interesting web
pages about language learning.

What academic benefits would emailing brings to you?
I receive information about topics I am interesting about like
English learning, technology and online courses.

Do we accept email rules nowadays?

I have to say that some people do and some don't because when I
receive chain letters or things like that I don't send it to
everyone I know I erase it, because I know isn't nice to have your
email full of spam. But the truth is that most people do not accept
or respect email rules.

Session 1


I believe the qualities are needed to be a successful online student
are similar to the qualities needed to be successful traditional
classroom student, I, you need to be self –disciplined and self-
motivated. Also you have to be able to communicate trough writing
because even if you are in a traditional classroom you have to know
how to write. However I think that online education is not for
everybody , we need into account the fact that some students need to
see and to feel close to the person who is teaching them, some
students need to hear them and others are satisfied with just see
them.. This has a lot to do with the way each person learns… I mean
the "sensorial channels". Another online teaching limitation is the
fact that since we live in a country with a lot economical problems
is not easy for all the students to get access to the technology
necessary to online studies. This could be big problem because the
students (as me, for example) who do not have unlimited access to
this technology, as some of their classmates, could (as is my case)
feel frustrated. One the qualities of the successful online student
is be "willing to commit to 4 to 15 hours per week per course" but
we have to take into account the fact that maybe the students are
willing to commit that amount of time… but they can't do it because
of economical reasons. In despite of all its limitations, online
studies encourage people to be more "active" and responsible for
their learning process.

Strategies for Using Chat as a Communication Tool

The different ways of evaluating through internet are very
interesting, especially for learning a second language, since we
have to write instead of talking we can improve our writing
abilities, we can practice our grammar and learn for our mistakes.
Also we can learn new ways of working as a team by developing an
online group project. With this new way of teaching and learning
comes a lot of new opportunities but also, responsibilities since
the teacher has to face new challenges to determine if his/her gold
are being achieved, for example the teacher has to determine either
the student work is his own or he just copied and pasted from the

Using chat in EFl: a tool for collaborative learning

This reading is very interesting because it tell us how students
can"build" knowledge by using the chartrooms… the students from
Blanco's practical experiment learnt how to integrate all they
learnt and then, they were able to developed an opinion of their own…
they thought about they learnt in the first two sessions and by the
last sessions they were anxious to let the others know their
opinions. Chartrooms are an fantastic learning tool, however, we
need to have access to the technology necessary for this new way of
learning and that's not always easy to get.

Module 8 : Things of Importance

Are you a computer nerd or a technophobe?
Do you like using computers?
Do you play online games?
Do you Know what a modem is?
Do you what the cybespace is?
Are you a techonology fan or not?
Who designed the first steam engine?
who built designed the first steam engine?
Who invented the first telephone?
Why do you think inventors need to be patient?
Do you konw what a mug is?
Do you know what a bowl is?
Do you Know what a brooch is?
Do you like wearing dressing gowns?
How many notices are there in your classroom?
Is your Classroom bige enough?
Is there natural light?
Are there any valuable equipment?
Are there any plants?
Is there any fresh air?
Is it noisy outside?
are there enough people to talk to?
Is there anything in the world would you like to own?
what is it?
Is it expensive?
why do you want it?
Is there anything you own that has special significance for you?
Did you bought it?
was it a gift?
why is it that important?
Have you ever been engaged?
would you like to get married someday?